Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Judging From The Actions Of The Many

From the meme - "so why are they judging all cops for the actions of a few?"

Because it is not the action of a few.  It's most - and this is my strong attempt to be impartial and realistic.  The system is corrupt.  There is no going in and correcting it from the inside.   Comprehensive reform is needed now.  

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Traitor

Meghan McCain, in a since-deleted tweet, expressed that her dad is the only one that matters, and also that she is the only person who has ever lost a father.  

Since neither of these opinions are quite right, let's compare a less-famous dad - my Pops - to her infamous dad.  

My dad lived to see her dad croak.  That made his heart happy.  And mine. 

My dad never killed any of his fellow service members - via negligence discharge of missiles, or otherwise. 

My dad earned his rank in the Army... his father was not an Admiral who cleared the way. 

My dad was not #GlobalistScum .

My dad did not lose an election to the most beatable political candidate to ever be put forward by the Left. 

My dad did not vote with Obama more than half the time. 

My dad didn't stay anywhere long after his welcome was worn out. 

My dad actually raised his kids to be successful people without having to ride his coat tails.

My dad actually gave to his community.  He was not a taker. 

Happy Father's Day. 
I miss my dad very much, and I am so glad he wasn't John McCain, the traitor. 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

You Did That To Yourself

As this is written, several precincts of Police in Atlanta called in to work. They are upset because one of their former officers is charged with Murder and several other crimes.

A few days ago, a good friend suggested that myself and fellow patriots go and peaceably stand in front of police during protests for a show of solidarity. I politely declined. In my estimation, if police and antifa - two organizations that do not have my best interests in mind - want to kill each other, then that is a win-win situation.

This is not an anti-cop sentiment. It is an anti-bad cop sentiment. And they have brought it on themselves. And it applies to virtually every cop out there now. How?

If you have 1000 "good cops," and 10 bad cops; yet the 1000 do not arrest the 10, then you really have 1010 bad cops.

When you enforce unconstitutional laws, you are a bad cop.

When you falsify your report to the ADA, trying to make the youth seem older than they are - just so you can get an adult conviction and put another "feather in your cap," you are a bad cop.

When you cite or arrest churchgoers during the #Scamdemic but you don't lift a finger against rioters, you are a bad cop. And you are a sissy.

When you call CPS on a good hardworking family just to harass them further, you are a bad cop.

When you call in on your shift because your "brother" got arrested, you are a pussy and a bad cop.

When you enforce a corrupt system, you are, by default, corrupt.

When you put someone in jail for a victimless crime, you are a bad cop.

When you shoot someone's dog, and intentionally lie, saying you "feared for your life," you're a bad cop.

When you have any sort of "but" against the absolute right to keep and bear arms, you are a bad cop.

When you lie to get a confession or evidence, knowing that if the suspect lies it is a crime, then you are a bad cop and no better than a suspect who lies.

When you have to lie to conduct a majority of your interactions, you are a bad cop.

When you say you are not going to recommend charges to the ADA, and then you turn around and recommend charges; you are a liar, a worthless POS, and a bad cop.

When your police force has to constantly do "community events" to increase the public perception of your department, it means your department is full of bad cops.

When your profession has the highest incidence of spousal abuse among any demographic, and you don't remove those abusers, then you are a bad cop.

Now, if it truly were just the occasional "bad apple," then why are we inundated with stories like these? And, as the old saying goes, "one bad apple spoils the bunch." This bunch is spoiled. The system is corrupt. We need drastic reform... YESTERDAY!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Defund The Police

This meme has been floating around.
Sadly, as with most Leftist "memes," it is nowhere near accurate.
The Left truly wants to completely eliminate police funding.
This is not good.

That said...

We need to:

  • REDUCE SUBSTANTIALLY all police funding. We are over-policed. 
  • Eliminate quotas - particularly for traffic offenses and other victimless crimes. 
  • Demilitarize the police. They don't need machine guns, and they sure as hell don't need MRAPs.
  • Put people addicted to drugs & controlled substances into rehab - not jail. 
  • Decriminalize victimless crimes. 

  • Abolish police unions - they only preserve the bad cops. 
  • Incentivize the arrest of bad cops. 
  • National blacklist for Bad Cops. 
  • Abolish paid leave while under investigation.
  • Abolish "no-knock" raids. 
  • Abolish qualified immunity. 
  • Make police have to pay for their defense when prosecuted. 
  • Mandatory insurance to be purchased by the individual officers. 
  • Have citizens advisory boards to review all shootings. 
  • All police to have body cams. Incident happens with body cam off = immediate termination. 

  • Ban choke holds - possible only exception certified BJJ Purple belt or above. 
  • Use of Force doctrine to be rewritten and only acceptable in dangerous felonious situations. 
  • Rewrite use of force on animals - no more shooting dogs. 
  • Ban stops without reasonable suspicion. 
  • Make it legal for citizens to fight back with like force when rights are being violated.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What Is The Value Of Training

From the Tactical Professor, What is the Value of Training?

My favorite part:
  1. You don’t know what you don’t know.
  2. Much of what you know is wrong.
  3. It’s good to have some of the answers to the test before taking it.
You really should read the entire article!