Know Thy Enemy

From this link, it's time to face the facts about who our real enemies are:
Out here in Realville, we better get real about our opponents. They are not well-meaning liberals. They are dangerous. The target is not Trump. They are out to get all of us.

Western Rifle Shooters correctly points out:

You Are Going To Shoot And Kill People, Even Some You May Know.

Harden your hearts.

The Reds have already done so.

Plan accordingly.

The Rifleman has pointed this out before. 
They mean to have war.  They demand our wealth be redistributed to them without our consent.  At gunpoint.  This is theft at the threat of murder. 

Thieves and murderers are not to be reasoned with.  And they sure as hell aren't our "fellow countrymen." Theft and threat of murder are not simple disagreements of political philosophy.

What's more, they acknowledge the fact that they are our enemies.


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