Dealing With Traitors

In response to this, I was told this:

This is what I find disturbing. You keep agitating for violence and war, but you are talking about our countrymen, our neighbors, our friends and our families, here. This is our home. No. Stop shitting where you eat. You don't get to wage war on American soil against American citizens. You don't get to say stupid shit like that with impunity. The ends does NOT justify the means- that makes you just as bad as the people you are condemning. Wake the fuck up and smell the koolaid you are drinking. I support and defend the constitution. Not some manifesto- you know who writes manifestos? Terrorists and whack-jobs. Get educated and get right with God, because what you're pushing here is not motherfucking cool.

There are several good things to learn here.

First and foremost - this is why women do not belong in charge of strategic operations or war. The complete inability to identify an enemy, and the complete lack of desire to combat the enemy are fatal flaws.

Second - having to make shit up that isn't there.
Her:  You keep agitating for violence and war
Me: Make no mistake: I do not fear violence.  I do not fear death. Indeed, I've spent most of my adult life preparing for these eventualities.  But no true warrior desires war - for they know the horrors thereof.  
It's like she didn't even read it. Well, when you start your argument with a false premise, the whole argument is rendered invalid. #LogicFail

Third - the use of the term "manifesto."
Of course this was used strictly for shock value, or to try to provoke an emotional response. Not gonna work. Yes, there was a list of observable facts, however, it is clearly no manifesto...
Manifesto: noun
a public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate.

synonyms:policy statement, mission statement, platform, (little) red book, program, declaration, proclamation, pronouncement, announcement

"a party manifesto that would change the course of world politics"

Fact: noun
a thing that is indisputably the case.
"the most commonly known fact about hedgehogs is that they have fleas"

synonyms:reality, actuality, certainty; More

a piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.

It is my estimation that this woman has many friends and/or family members who are Left leaning. She, herself, may be Left leaning. She fears what I wrote:
And the violence that would occur would not be particularly kind to those on the Left. They are not prepared for it in any way.  So, although they face overwhelming defeat, it is not my desire that this should be the outcome.  

Without a doubt, it can be hard to work up one's courage to confront a traitor. But again, that's why women mustn't be in charge of military or similar operations - they lack the discernment to spot traitors, and they lack the conviction to do with traitors what must be done.


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