Sad News

Recently learned my friend and fellow firearms instructor, David White, has passed after a brief battle with cancer. Here is his obituary

When someone I know passes, I prefer to remember good times: 

David helped me as an assistant instructor in firearms classes on more than one occasion. 



When David and I were becoming NRA certified pistol instructors (this is where we met), he did not pass the shooting portion on the first try. You are allowed a retry, and that was held at the end of the final day of the class. I lent him my .22 caliber Browning target pistol. He was amazed that I would loan him a firearm after knowing him only 2 days, but I could tell right away that he had a heart of gold. I received a text message from him moments after I arrived home:

He returned the pistol that day - bringing it to my residence as we had determined we lived in fairly close proximity. 


Once, David hosted a USCCA legal defense seminar at his church. Sadly, his mother fell ill, and he felt compelled to be with her - so he went to Florida to be by her side. David asked if I would host. So I did host. Sadly, David's mother passed while he was away - but he felt duty bound to be by her side, and also to assist in the legal defense seminar. I am honored he asked me to host in his absence. 


When I was about to teach the Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit for the first time, David asked if he could come and watch. He wanted to know how to teach it before he taught it for the first time. Of course, I advised him that it would be my first time teaching that class. "But you have experience teaching hundreds of other classes, though!" he argued. Hew was there. He observed. He took notes. He wound up teaching EHCP classes at the GLOCK store in Nashville. 


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