They Always Arrest the Wrong People!

Recently a woman was arrested for offending members of a city council. 

Some replies that you really need to think about:
1. They absolutely will kick in your door, arrest you, confiscate your arms, your assets and laugh about it, when mayors and governors tell them to. Prepare to defend yourselves and your neighbors. You can't do it by yourself.
2. I keep telling people. Cops hold their oath to their slave masters. Not those who pay into their livelihoods.
3. The cops who carry out unconstitutional orders should be treated like rabid dogs. 
(Author's note: as should those cops who stand idly by and allow it to happen)
4. The perpetrator of the attack on Trump was spotted and photographed on the roof by law enforcement nearly 30 minutes before firing

To the invariable "bad apple" commenters, that I am certain will reply:
  • I used to be 100% pro cop... then I saw how they ALWAYS arrest the wrong person. 
  • The phrase is "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch."
  • BLM riots and lack of arrests, anyone?
  • J6 truly peaceful protesters were the ones who were arrested and are still being held?!?!
  • Why are there hundreds of YouTube channels, with thousands of videos, and new material every week, all showing misbehaving LEO all over the US?
  • You think LEO in "your area" won't do this? HAHAHA!!!!!!

Counterpoint: "the claim 'I was only following orders' has been used to justify too many tragedies in our history." (Quote by Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the Series, Star Trek, The Next Generation)
- Yes, it is a quote from a fictional TV series, and it is still accurate. 

For those that will ask in a snarky manner, "well, what should the cop have done?" 
Simple! The cop should have arrested the City Council Member or members who ordered the Citizen's Rights violated. 


  1. I live in a Constitutional carry state and we have unpermitted open carry and concealed carry. I keep an ear on the local popo comms all day long and picked up a local sheriff conducting a routine traffic stop on someone open carrying. Whatever the traffic infraction was didn't get mentioned, but the weapon led to a criminal background/open warrant check on the driver, and when that came back clean, the cop requested that this driver be flagged in the system as being "armed".
    That was eye opening to me. This person is always going to be flagged as an "armed subject" in any interaction with law enforcement going forward whether that be while driving or if they are sent/called to his home.


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