A Terrible Dose of Reality

And, in case Blogger decided to delete these pictures (they sometimes inexplicably do this), here is the text:

In 2022, California principal Christopher Christensen posted a tragic su*cide note on social media before jumping to his death at Disneyland. 

He started the post by saying: “I hate when people leave this Earth with so many unanswered questions. So, I hope this provides some insight and perspective...” 

In the post, he shared photos with his wife, Marlena, revealing they had been privately married for 3.5 years and described their relationship as "amazing" until recently. 

He recounted a heated argument with Marlena in front of her two daughters, stressing that he never hit or harmed anyone during the exchange. 

Despite this, Marlena called the police, leading to his arrest. 

Christensen expressed deep frustration with the situation, stating that he was unfairly jailed and suspended from his position at Newland Elementary School in Huntington Beach. 

He also criticized the legal system, saying it was particularly flawed and unfair to men and fathers, which added to his despair before his tragic death. 

He ended the post by saying: "So, here I am...writing my final FB post to all of you," Christensen said. "I need you all to know that a gentle, kind, loving and sincerely good man has been destroyed by one unfortunate night. It really is unfortunate! This is NOT me! This is NOT something that I ever thought would happen to me."

This happens all too often. Most divorces see lies like this weaponized by police. Many arguments have similar results. 

This female human needs to be treated the same way we deal with a rabid dog. 


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