Debate Summary

After the Presidential debate, many have written what they think. 
Democrats claim Kamala won the debate. Of course, these are all mentally ill and/or intellectually dishonest people, so take that claim with a grain of salt. 

Republicans claim Donald Trump won the debate. Of course, this side deals with the real world and facts daily, so again take that claim for what it is worth. 

I've seen some people - almost exclusively Democrats - state that the moderators were fair to both sides. I really would like a hit of whatever medications they are taking, because that claim does not match with reality one iota. But you do not hear Republicans complaining. Simply because Donald Trump holds the line well with 3-on-1 odds. The mainstream media has not liked him since day 1 of his first campaign. And their blatant favoritism works well to motivate the Right side. 

The biased moderators "fact checked" the former president many times. Ironically, in this information age, their lies were quickly debunked. 

Kamala actually made a statement about 81 million voters didn't think Trump was the right candidate last time. She really believes (or wants us to believe) that this was the truth. Hardly. She also stated she wanted people to go to a Trump rally - so they can see that people leave early. This is hilarity! People didn't even leave early when they were shot at! Meanwhile, the department Head of giving head cannot seem to muster more than a couple dozen at her rallies. 

There are not many undecided voters. And for the few there are, Trump's performance was king - based on all the polls that are not D+15 sampling. He simply dominated virtually every category. 

Trump has stated he does not see a point of another debate. I agree. He toasted the Alzheimer's patient earlier, and similarly toasted Willie Brown's Mistress.  Meanwhile, Harris has asked for there to be another debate. In prize fighting and MMA. it's almost exclusively the person who loses the match that is the one asking for the rematch. 

In summary - this election will be decided by two factors:
1. How much the Democrats cheat. 
2. How much the Republicans block the cheating. 

A true election without dead voters, illegal voters, multiple votes, etc. would resemble 1984, when we had 49 red states. That's the last time the Democrats left it to policies only. 


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