Who Will Submit?

Came across this gem on social media, and it is most appropriate to share here:

Speaking of Biblical submission in marriage - specifically how God commands the wife to be in submission to her husband. 

EVERY time anyone speaks positively about Biblical submission, total and complete IDIOTS come to the conversation and start throwing around the term "abuse." So, if you are being abused: stop right now, go report the abuse to the local authorities immediately - this is not an article for you. As this blog has discussed before, abuse and submission are not related in any way, shape, or form. 

So, back to speaking about submission - there are only three options for submission in a marriage:
1. The wife will submit to the husband.
2. The husband will submit to the wife. 
3. Neither the husband, nor the wife, will submit to the other. 

And here are how these three situations will pan out:

1. The wife will submit to the husband.
This marriage will be blessed by God and will be a fruitful and positive marriage. Hard Stop. 

2. The husband will submit to the wife. 
This BETA male will be henpecked by his wife for years. Robbed of his zest for life. Similarly, the wife will grow resentful of this man, and grow to despise him. This marriage is doomed. She will divorce him or give him reason to divorce her via her infidelity. She will take much money from him. 

3. Neither the husband, nor the wife, will submit to the other. 
This is not a marriage. This is mutual combat. This is living Hell. This marriage will also end in divorce. 

So, you see, my friends: it is not the behavior of the husband that causes the vast majority of divorces. It is solely the actions of the wife. Whether she chooses to live a Biblical life or not. 


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