It Said Exactly What We Knew It Would Say

This morning, Stephen Crowder released photos of the Nashville Shooter's Manifesto. The Left and the Government and the media has been working overtime to make sure people in the public do not see this. For the longest time, Rightwing friends have been sharing memes stating the reason "they" are trying to hide this manifesto so intensely is because it says "exactly what you think it says." In other words, it would not fit "The Narrative® "

Well, we can all see it now, and it says exactly what you knew it would say. 

This woman who was pretending to be a man planned this out. Some highlights:
  • Racial epithets toward a race she hated. 
  • Hopes to have a high death count. 
  • Knows it will be over quick. 
  • No plan of escape / or a plan to die in the act. 

Those who study mass killers know the following things are most often true of these types of murderers:
  • Usually a young, intelligent male (this one was a bit of an exception in that she was female who thought herself male)
  • Run-Hide-Fight doesn't work - only shooting the attacker works. 
  • They pick gun free zones that do not have visible security. 
  • There is a known connection with SSRI "medications." (Gender dysphoria patients are very often "treated" with SSRIs.)

Also - please note: Calling the police and hoping they engage is the LEAST effective means of dealing with a mass killer. Subject Matter Expert Ed Monk of Last Resort Firearms Training studied over 1000 incidents of active killers where police were called. Police engaged the shooter 5 times. That's less than 0.5%. 

Nashville was the exception - Uvalde was the rule. 


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