It's Science

Never before in my life have I had an elected representative who matched my personal beliefs so closely. 

Joseph Padilla, Wilson County School Board member for Zone 4 (the zone in which I live) is just that man. He so frequently triggers the #LibNuts that they constantly whine online, make false allegations, and generally have meltdowns at his very existence. Well, if #LibNuts do anything, that's pretty much what they do. 

Speaking of false allegations, Padilla suggested a policy to the school board recently that would make sure a student's parent(s) be notified if the student discloses to school officials that they are or feel they may be transgender. Of course, the Left® suggests this proposal was "out" the LGBTQ students. This clear falsehood was to be expected. The reality is much more bleak - not for Padilla, but for the students he works so hard to protect. 

The Science
Transgenderism is clearly associated with substantial increases in mental illness, according to the WHO, and virtually every major medical research institution which has performed research on the issue.  

Yes, prevention of people from placing undue burdens on transgender persons is the right thing to do. And, it is illogical and cruel to ignore the demonstrable association with depression, substance misuse, eating disorders, and suicide attempts. Transgender persons are clearly more likely to need help. 

Schools already warn parent of other dangerous or potentially dangerous situations. It is only logical to add this one, as well. Padilla's proposal was the only kind thing to do, and the #LibNuts (again) clearly do not care for our at-risk use, except to use them as political pawns to push their Liberal agendas. 


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