Where Are the Attack Police?

From a reader: "So I read that you left Global Vision. What do you think about Pulpit & Pen since you have left?"

Excellent question - worthy of a blog post. 

In prior posts, I referred to Pulpit & Pen as "PP" and stated they were #FakeNews. Those statements still stand, because those statements are fact.

Seth Dunn is their primary source of articles of late. The self-described insufferable autistic accountant continues PP's historical attacks on people of the faith. Not very Christian actions. Occasionally, he writes something with some fact. I would suppose that if you are of a similar opinion, then his writings would be interesting to you. 

JD Hall filed for bankruptcy in 2021. Reason? He badgered and defamed someone, with utter and complete fabrications, got sued for Libel, and could not afford the mounting costs of the suit. This from the same individual who badgered a young person on twitter, leading to the youth committing suicide. Not very Christian-like behavior. Speaking of not being Christ-like, Hall also was charged with DUI, and subsequently removed from his position as pastor, being disqualified for such a position due to his actions. 

Tim Weakley has managed to keep out of the news since his trespassing and disrupting a meeting at Benchmark Church in Oliver Springs, TN. It is unknown if he faced charges for those actions. 

What's left of the "publication" is continuing in its ways. They seem to be but a shell of what they once were; and, if true, that is a good thing. Prior to research for this article, I had not seen anything by them for quite some time. And I didn't miss a thing. 


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