More Reddit Analysis

 A reader: "Can you do more breakdowns of those entitled people YouTube videos?"


Reminds me of the time I was written up for coming in second in Account Manager of the Week standings. Had been first for 11 straight weeks. Was second for a single week, then back to first the following weeks. 

Story 2:
Bad parents gaslight their son for having to pay to fix his car. Son's car was stolen by brother and wrecked, and parents agreed to pay for damages as opposed to having the brother (their other son) arrested for DUI. Dad gets into fight with someone at the repair shop after being chastised for being a bad parent and gaslighting. Am I the jerk for making them pay for the car?

A - Not the jerk! Solution - GO LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE!  These people are toxic and you must get out of there!

Story 3:
Am I the jerk for making my boyfriend choose between me and his friends?

A - Yes. Never date any woman that makes you choose between her and your friends. 

Story 4:
My boyfriend wants to marry me but he doesn’t want to have any kind of wedding ceremony, just so he can “protect” his fathers reputation, since he wouldn’t even go in the first place. Am I the jerk?

A - Don't get married to him. Don't get married, period. 

Story 5:
Today I messed up by accidentally inviting my plumber over for Thanksgiving Dinner, and my wife is NOT happy.

A - Your wife is a bitch. Get control of that situation. 

Story 6:
My Boyfriend has been incredibly insensitive about my dog passing away, and I don’t know how to feel about him anymore.

A - You will leave him the moment he opens up about emotions. So, take your pick - someone who doesn't cry when "Ol' Yeller" dies, or someone you despise. 


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