More On The Breed Of Peace™

Since the writing of this article on the Breed of Peace, this blog has received many emails and messages about how it was "wrong."  Folks tried to fill all the Bingo Spots on the card: 

Of course, several challenged this author to prove things. And while this author is not named "Google," this will serve:

Texas woman hospitalized after Pitbull attacked her - this article has lots of links. This blog post will link to them and quote the article significantly for future reference. 

It is important to note that pit bulls are not the only breed of dog that injures and attacks with deadly force, however, they have done it the most. Over a 15-year period from 2005 to 2019, canines killed 521 Americans. Two dog breeds contributed to 76% (397) of the fatalities, namely pit bulls (346) and rottweilers (51). The remaining 24% of fatal dog maulings are attributed to 35 other dog breeds (see chart here).

Statistics show that pit bulls make up only 6% of the canine population in the U.S. but are responsible for over 65% of fatal dog attacks, and often these attacks are perpetrated by a family dog. It is common in these instances for the victim's family to state that they don't know what caused the dog to attack or kill.


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