Spotted in the Wild

There have been a couple of blog posts here about ending military elitism. And although there is no drive to document every instance of it on this blog, there was one recently of note. YouTuber "Frogman Tactical," herein called "the complainer," recently made a "call out" video of T-Rex Arms. This was problematic for several reasons. 

First - why make a "call-out" video of someone on "our side" when there is plenty of material from the other side? It's not like Lucas of T-Rex Arms was doing something dangerous. 

Also - the critique smacked of YoU'rE dOiNg It WrOnG!!! when the actual instruction and coaching given was simply not what the complainer would have done, or maybe even a technique the complainer was not familiar with. 

A quick trip to the comments section confirmed that the complainer heard Lucas incorrectly and ran with the incorrect word. Not a good look - to formulate a "YoU'rE dOiNg It WrOnG!!!based off of a word or phrase that was not actually used. 

There is an air in the video of outright military elitism. If you don't get that feeling, you were probably former military and sympathized a bit with the complainer. 

There was a followup video by the complainer to further clarify, based on getting Lucas' verbiage incorrect as observed by dozens of commenters. It didn't help. 

The complainer challenges Lucas to a duel. There are so many issues with this on so many levels, it is not funny. Ultimately, this caused me to unsub.

It sounded as if the complainer was upset because Lucas has a more successful 2A business. If the complainer would put as much effort and energy into marketing and making a good website and good videos, then he wouldn't have to be jealous. He would be too busy teaching - which he clearly isn't. 

Of note, a channel I follow - Modern Tactical Shooting - made a comment in favor of the complainer. The comment quickly got smacked down by other commenters. To his credit, MTS did not engage in any more dialog, as defending the position taken could easily have turned into military elitism. This is how it is done - when you make an error, own up to it and keep your mouth shut on it. 


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