The Natural Way of Things

Recently, Prager U posted on social media:
"Nobody invented capitalism. It's what free people do naturally - exchange goods and services for their own benefit."

The statement is correct. And a deeper look yields this conclusion: those advocating socialism in any of its forms are going directly against nature. This statement holds true with other viewpoints often associated with socialism-favoring persons (Leftists). Let's take a look:

Socialists favor abortion. They say it is "just a clump of cells." They will say anything other than the unborn baby is a living organism. Yet, they would consider a discovery of a single cell organism on another planet to be life. But an unborn baby isn't life. Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Leftists, who favor socialism, also say men can menstruate and give birth. They say there are 87 genders. They say gender is a social construct and not a biological one. Yet, the natural way of most animals is male and female. Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Leftists, who favor socialism, also say one should not have guns. The purpose of guns is defense. Every other animal on Earth, and many plants, defend themselves with whatever means available. Why not mankind, as well? Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Leftists, who favor socialism, also say "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." In nature, animals rarely share resources. When animals do share resources, it is in very controlled circumstances: almost always within family or their immediate clan. Never species-wide. But Leftists want to take from YOU and give to another who is not in your family or tribe. Again, a concept completely against nature. 

Everything socialist Leftists do and preach is against the natural way of things. 


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