Abortion Q&A

On Friday, The Supreme Court struck down Roe V Wade, and relegated authority back to the states with regards to regulation of abortion. Expectedly, the Left has been on "REEE" mode - more than usual, in fact. Every time the Left loses, they try to control The Narrative Ҝ, and this time is no different. So this post is designed to shed some light on the truth of things. 

Because it is not possible to prove a negative, if you ask for a link to that nature, your comment will be deleted. The name of this blog is not "Google." And proving something doesn't exist with links is simply not possible. The onus will be on YOU to prove that it is that way!

Here are the claims, and the truth to follow:

The SCOTUS made abortion illegal!
Nope. The SCOTUS said the states now will have the authority to decide what regulations will be put into effect on abortions. This is common sense abortion control. 

It's just a clump of cells.
Yes, and so are you. The question is when does human life begin, and the Left tries to be intentionally obtuse on this part. The only grey area is immediately following fertilization. The only reason this is grey is because many fertilized eggs do not attach to the uterine wall, and many more are eliminated from the uterus shortly after implantation. Personally, I call it human life at the 4-5 week mark (note, the egg will only have been fertilized for a week or two at this point). At this point, implantation is more secure (although the developing infant can be discharged significantly after this point), and the key difference:
The embryo is secreting hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone that helps thicken a woman's uterine lining to support a growing embryo and tells the body to stop menstruation. 

If it "ain't human," then why is it secreting a human hormone?

Many pregnancies naturally end early at this stage. 
True, but that is not a good excuse to murder a defenseless infant. If nature's course is that this infant is not viable, then so be it. Doesn't mean you should kill it. 

Men cannot have an opinion on this because they do not have a uterus!
This argument is just plain asinine. People in government pass laws that do not directly affect them all of the time. Using this "logic," no person in government could pass any law whatsoever. It would be like saying, "you haven't murdered someone, so you can't have an opinion on murder." Nonsense. 

I support women's rights to their own bodies!
Yes. Me, too. Especially the very young woman growing in the womb. Of course, they really mean they want the woman to be able to kill another body. 

The fetus is a parasite. 
That you invited into your body knowingly by having unprotected sex without use of any type of contraceptive?!?! Seriously, in no other natural situation is a juvenile member of the species regarded as a parasite on the parent.

No one said they want full term abortions!
Six states and Washington, DC, impose no restrictions on term. So what was that you were lying about?

I'll move out of the country to escape!
Good - you do know most of Europe and the "1st World" has similar restrictions on abortion as do the states, like Tennessee, which had a "trigger law" in effect?

They will come after contraception next!
Nope. There is no evidence to suggest this at all. Pure speculation. 

What about treatment for ectopic pregnancy? That's abortion!
None of the states with more restrictive abortion bans have also banned proper treatments and surgeries for ectopic pregnancy. Those treatments are most commonly: expectant management (carefully monitor to determine whether further treatment is needed), a medicine called methotrexate can be administered, and laproscopic surgery can be performed. None of these are abortion. 

What about miscarriages where the tissue doesn't come out? That's abortion!
This is called an incomplete miscarriage. There are three primary treatments for incomplete miscarriages: watchful waiting (observe to see if the material is ejected naturally), treatment with a medicine called misoprostol, and a surgery called dilation and curettage (D&C). Just like the treatments for ectopic pregnancy, these treatments are all still perfectly legal in all states, even the ones with more restrictions on abortion. 

What about treatment for septic uterus? That's abortion!
Septic uterus, usually written as septate uterus, is treated with a surgery called a metroplasty. No state currently bans metroplasty. Metroplasty will remain legal in all of the "trigger law" states. 

There will be criminal investigations on miscarriages!

What about women's healthcare rights?
Say it with me - killing babies is not health care. 

Blah...blah...blah... "reproductive health..."
Abortions have disastrous consequences for the physical and mental health of the mother, in addition to being deadly for the child. Check out this link to see physical and mental consequences, along with well-vetted links to studies. 

There are more, no doubt. If you want to see an answer to a talking point that may have been missed here, leave it in the comments!


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