No Compromise

Speaking with an individual who lost a primary election in my area recently. This person ran in the Republican primary and lost by a fair margin. As we discussed what some of the contributing factors were, something became quite evident to me. 

This person, as a "Republican," firmly believed in "coming together for compromise" on most topics. 

This is why they lost. This is why so many lost in this election locally. Supporting mask mandates did not fare well, in most of the races. Supporting masks in schools overall did not fare well. Supporting compromise with insane Democrats (but I repeat myself) in a 70% Republican county did not fare well. 

"In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." 
- Ayn Rand. 


  1. If I say two plus two is four and you say two plus two is eight,
    it's not a partial victory for me when we agree that two plus two is six.
    Jonah Goldberg


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