How To - Street Fight Edition

Recently saw a question posed online that I have seen many times - "how to end a street fight the quickest?" Although I am sure the original poster did not intend to, the question asked has many different layers, and it would be imprudent to avoid addressing the most obvious ones. 

First - it is presumed that the "street fight" would be "bareknuckle" - in other words, no weapons. This is more fantasy than reality, though, because 97% of assaults include weapons. The quick answer to the question once you realize this fact is to carry a weapon - preferably a good pistol - and be expertly trained in the use of it. Also carry medical equipment and be extremely proficient in the use of it, as well. 

Second - it is presumed (or maybe not) that you will be assaulted by a single individual. FBI statistics say that you will face multiple assailants more often than single assailants. In most states, this is considered a disparity of force and lethal force is justified in return. Check your local laws, of course. 

But "one - on - one" fights do happen... albeit rarely. So, for that situation, let's address the factors you must possess to come out on top. First, let's define victory. Victory is survival. Many don't want to hear this, but it is the truth. Many want their "hand held high" to be the definition of victory. So let's narrow our focus even further to get to that. Understand, now we are at far less than 1% of all violent assaults. This is the exception, not the rule. 

If you watch fighting, and this author has watched a lot of it, you realize that the better trained person wins over 99% of the time. So the first step to "winning" is to find a legitimate combat martial art and train. Train religiously. Boxing, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, wrestling. Your Kung-Fu, Karate, Taekwondo is simply not going to address these things - unless you practice Machida Karate (the only consistent exception I've seen). 

Mindset - You must be of the aggressive mindset. Almost "win at all costs." Definitely ready to take action. 

Tactics - You must fight "your fight." You must control the distance. 
  • If you are a striker, you will want to enter to striking range on your terms, keep punches straight, and kicks low. Disengage and re-engage on your terms. If he engages on his terms, disengage and reset.
  • If you are a grappler, you must stay out of range until it is your choice to close the distance. Take the fight to the ground with a takedown - no guard-pulling! Control the position. Submissions should be chokes. 
  • Preferably, you will be a skilled striker and grappler, and will gladly shift between these ranges as the natural flow of the fight dictates. 
If you are a person who "sees red and bodies start hitting the floor," you can expect one thing: PAIN. You are going to get your ass kicked. And you need it. There's no amount of "hulk rage" that will see you through this. In fact, the winner of the fight is almost universally the person who kept relatively calm. Go look into some of the training mentioned above. Be humble. Leave your ego at the door. Realize your instructors and coaches have all been at the same point as you are now, and they can guide you past the folly. 

If you are current or former military, and you firmly believe that "speed, surprise, and violence of action" will carry the day, understand one thing. It will carry the day... against an untrained attacker. If the opponent has any significant level of training, you are in for some PAIN and humble pie. Do as advised in the previous paragraph - seek out some legitimate training and get better. 


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