Part of the Job 3

 From a reader:
"What is something that nobody outside your job would know is part of your job?"

This is such a good question, that it will have a 5-part answer - one for each day this week. 

Third Part - Personal Security Detail

Working a Personal Security Detail for persons of note is an interesting thing to do. Here are a few thoughts about some persons of note this author has had responsibility for:

Danny Gokey
This American Idol contestant is possibly one of the best human beings I've met. Really chill guy. Excellent singer (duh!). Remembered me in public later, and my daughter. 

Roger Stone
More down to Earth than you would think. Ran a joke by my security team. We advised he scrap that one - and he did. He got a better laugh from telling the crowd that. 

Charlie Kirk
Tall guy. I really like what he does and how he presents himself on stage. Does not take himself too seriously. Was nervous about what he could and could not say in front of a church because he did not want the church to lose its 501c3 status. Very thoughtful and intelligent. 

Dr. Alan Keys
Exceptionally brilliant man. Very humble, as well. Extremely well spoken. He was the one I wanted to be on PSD for the most, and he did not disappoint. Drove himself to the event - in a very modest car. 

Artur Pawlowski
It would be hard to find a person more dedicated to God and freedom than Artur. Although he had grown up and lived in places where guns generally were not allowed, he made it a point to thank me and my team for having them and being willing to "live John 15:13." His son was a good guy to speak with, as well. So was his paid PSD guy. 

Greg Locke
Without a doubt, this is the person most people ask me about. Greg is a friend and we stay in contact even though I no longer attend his church. With Greg, WYSIWYG. He is much like what you see on video - 24/7. Hint - he is not as tall as you think. So many people bring him t-shirts in size XL, only to find that he is a Medium in most brands. The camera must add pounds. 


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