The Science - February 2022

Being a clinician is NOT the same as being a scientist.  Or even scientifically sound, for that matter.

A reader of this blog directed me to a post online.  The post was made by a person who is an RN in a major metropolitan area.  Other posts by this person show she is definitely a left leaning individual. 

The OP detailed her sorrow at the admission of a COVID patient to the part of the hospital she worked in.  The patient was described as being 30, "in great shape," and a father and husband.  The accompanying picture was of a man in his early 30's and weighing an estimated 400+ pounds. 

The OP detailed that the patient's condition worsened rapidly. They put him on a ventilator and administered Remdesivir. She detailed that he had a problem with a blood clot in his heart that kept forming and re-forming. Eventually, the decision was made to mov him to another hospital. In the process of removing his one ventilator and putting him on a mobile ventilator, his lung and heart were punctured and he died of those injuries. 

She claimed his life was taken by COVID.

The OP had made the claim that the patient was not "vaccinated." She also claimed his wife was not "vaccinated," but she did not state how she came across that information.  The OP further stated that even after the patient's death, the wife stated she would not take the jabb. How she would have come across that conversation is not made clear, either... casting this whole part of the tale into doubt. 

But make no mistake, this man did not die of COVID. He was in the process of being killed by licensed drug dealers using Remdesivir. He was actually killed by medical malpractice during the intubation process. The OP's story tells that plainly, despite the fact that she misassigns the cause. 

This author maintains that the actual death count from COVID in the US is about 1/16 of what is being reported (as admitted to by the CDC).  This author makes an educated guess that 12/16 of the deaths are from Remdesivir, and the other 3/16 are deaths with COVID - not from COVID. 

Nurses are not scientists.
Medical Doctors are not scientists.

And the "science" is changing as midterm elections draw near. 


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