Stupid Stuff in Hiring 2022
Recently came across two videos detailing "stupid stuff in hiring practices" as the YouTuber says. I agree with his assessment. Here they are:
Here is the list of stupid things and commentary.
1. Outdated applicant tracking system.
You should just upload a resume. No more. These systems should have died 15 years ago.
2. Systems that require you to make an account.
I will not apply to these. I'll find a person at the company to send an email to first. That's only if I really would like the job.
3. Requiring a cover letter.
I've sent like 4 or 5 all time. Never do this. They don't even read them.
4. Require specific industry experience.
This means they cannot teach you what they do. Do you really want to work for an employer that doesn't know what they do?
5. Asking previous salary data.
In many places this is illegal. But I suggest you go with the flow. But make sure to give them fake numbers. Make sure to indicate you make 25% more than you really do. Have phony documentation to show that pay range.
6. Requiring references.
Oddly enough, I've given out references for folks three times in the past 8 months. And not that many times in the decade prior.
7. Requiring more experience than necessary.
You know the drill - company wants a recent college graduate with 10 years experience in a technology that is 2 years old. You think I'm kidding?
8. Requiring a degree when it really isn't necessary.
Agreed 1000%. The YouTuber suggests the degree is needed some 30% of the time and I agree with that analysis, as well. He also throws shade on Enterprise Rent-A-Car, without saying their name.
9. Low pay ranges.
Often goes hand in hand with unrealistic experience expectations, and several other points on this list.
10. Employment ghosting.
From my experience, over 70% of employers do this to some extent. Quit it!
11. Include a questionnaire at the interview level.
Don't play this game. It's not the 1990's anymore.
12. Assessments at the application level.
Same as number 11.
13. One way interviews.
Tell me you are racist without saying "I am a racist POS."
14. Special Project.
Never work for free. If they want you to do something, reply with an affirmative, and list your freelance rate. This rate should be 60% higher than you expect to make in the position. You also need to require a 50% deposit up front for the work.
Dead on based on my recent experience.