Logic Is Not On Their Side

Saw this posted some time back.  The irony is thick.

Everyone in the house except the child mentioned is jabbed to the max. Yet they got COVID.

The OP is jabbed and has had his booster and is still afraid he will get COVID. Therefore he stays in a hotel instead of at home.

He proves that the vaxx and the booster do not prevent you from getting COVID, yet he still (intensely) urges you to get the jabb.

These people do not have the intellectual capacity to understand that the vaxx doesn't work.  That is why they do not see the irony in their statements.


  1. Yeah, no kidding.

    A month ago my elderly dad got sick. His GP Dr talked him into getting both shots of the "vacc" last year.
    I went down to take care of him, and his Dr now wants a negative covid test before she'll let him in her building to see him. I get a couple of home test kits, and test him and he's positive. Screw me.
    Then his Dr acts like he's radioactive and won't let him into the building to be seen b/c he's sick. I went off on her over the phone and at least I got the satisfaction of making her admit the so-called "vacc" was meaningless. Me "You need to see him he's sick" Her (Dr) "He can't come in, he's positive" Me "He got two shots of that vacc that you talked him into taking last year" Her "That doesn't mean anything"

    To add insult to injury, after taking care of him for a couple of days, I got sick with the covid too. The "vacc" didn't keep my dad from getting sick or from spreading it to me. (I wasn't vacc'd. If anyone asks me now if I'm vacc'd, if I'm in a mood I tell them "If I wasn't before, I am now!")

  2. Welcome to the world of Progressive/Woke logic.

    The BS test is a nasal swab, a/k/a "snot positive", which detects "exposure" not infection. If the doc doesn't understand the difference, you need a new (better) physician. Good Luck.


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