The Critic

 From a reader: "How do you not let all the criticism get to you?"

First, it is important to point out, for every critic, I have 10 people say they appreciate what I am doing. Furthermore, I get a LOT of repeat business. That speaks volumes. 

Second, it is important to understand that they are only haters because they aren't doing as well and because they are jealous. Remember: haters are just confused followers. 

Never once have I looked at a firearms school that was not doing as well as I am and thought and said: "YoU'rE dOiNg It WrOnG!!!" To be fair, I've not looked at firearms schools doing better than I am and thought the same, either. 

On more than one occasion, I have thought "how can I adopt that and put it into my school?"
And that's why I'm doing better than many, and offering a high quality product. 
And that's why I am more content. 


  1. Even the Instructor must learn. The students will teach the teacher how to teach.

  2. I’ve carried for years. My first permission slip was Ohio. I retired and moved to Tennessee and took my mandatory ticket class. The instructor was a moron. He was starting the segment on the various types of handguns, single action, revolver etc.

    He laid out ten pistols on a table in front of the class and every one of them was pointed directly at me. In holsters. I interrupted him, stated that I didn’t appreciate that he had pistols pointed at my face and would he please point them all away from the room.

    His response: So you’re one of those types.

    I pulled my.45 out of the holster, laid it on the table pointed directly at him. I said “I know mine is loaded, cocked and the safety is on. I don’t know what state those pistols are in.”

    He turned white as a sheet, moved the pistols in short order, sat down, signed my paperwork and asked me to leave. I got my permission slip in the mail in two weeks.

    Now we have Constitutional Carry.


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