Gun Class Funnies

Tell me you've never been to a gun class without saying you've never been to a gun class. (or have very limited experience in them)

The author collects these from people who make inane statements. The plan is to leave them on this blog from time to time, after a sufficient number have been accumulated. For those who don't know and would like to learn, I'll leave a brief commentary or explanation in italics under each one. 

"I would like to take a rifle class. But not a pistol. I already know pistol and don't want to mess up what I know."
True experts seek to add tools to the toolbox, never resting on their laurels. If you think (or say) you know something, then you don't.

"What certifications do you get from these classes?"
There are only a handful of widely recognized certifications one can get from a gun class: NRA, USCCA, POST. My classes, like many, have a certificate of completion. 

"Why do you need to take a gun class, do you not know how to shoot?"
It is impossible to explain to a 3-year-old child why he cannot touch the stove. He cannot comprehend certain things because his mind will not allow for it. 

"I wish I could have taken that class, but finances are tight."
Always said by someone who either works a low-wage job and cannot understand why they cannot get a job making more money (despite never trying to make themselves more valuable in the workplace); or is said by a person who has social media posts buying multiple guns recently, going on a vacation recently, or otherwise spending a fair amount of money on something else. Just means they have other priorities. 


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