Future Plans

 A reader of this blog, who has his own excellent blog, recently wrote:

Whatcha Gonna Do in ACW2?

When the shooting starts, where will you be?
Hiding with the lights off... or taking aim from behind a tree?
On the phone to 911 in a panicked call?
Or armed behind the cover of a stone wall?
Under the bed covers just trying to get some rest?
Or in the deep concealment of a wet, miserable sniper nest?
Will you be praying to God to save you from danger?
Or praying to God for help to win in your righteous anger.
Be that brave person to go deep behind enemy lines
To disrupt, destroy, burn, steal, and kill all you can find
When there is nothing left to lose, there is everything to give
Your life as a free citizen remains yours to live
Do what you must. Offer "No Mercy" and "No Quarter"
Kill all of those that are "just following an order"
Take out their families, burn their homes to the ground
Leave their bodies hanging to rot, gagged and bound
When the count of the dead on both sides become too high to bear
There will be plenty of blame for all combatants to share
When the tyrants are dead and us Citizens can be left alone
Only then will we lay down our arms and return home

My readers can make wagers in the comments below as to what I will be up to. Probably something along the lines of "No Quarter" and the rhyming next line. 

Read more like this at 75 Million Pissed Off Patriots.


  1. Thanks for this promotion post. I wrote that in a seething rage. Like the stages of grief, I am past the rage and just ready for whatever comes. Unfortunately, none of the causes of where we are now were necessary.


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