Child Support Is Theft

Social media is a great source of entertainment. Take this one for example, in a Reddit "AITA" (Am I The Asshole?) question, the post is summed up: "AITA for going after my ex for child support?"

Someone decided to accurately troll the community. Reply: "YTA. All Child support is theft." 
Ironically - this mirrors my opinion 100%.

You should have seen the replies!

Triggered #1 - "Tell me you don't pay your child support without telling me you don't pay your child support."

Triggered #2 - "Please explain how paying for your own children is theft."

Triggered #3 - "Well then, don't breed!" (this was the only one that made any sense!)

Masterful troll job here. And right on the money.  


  1. If you don't want to support them, then don't have them. Better for everyone. A goodly number of people go that route. It is quite possible to have your fun without incurring the long-term cost. I do see it as "theft" when a bimbo works ADC as a career goal. I am a sucker for the kiddies, but will do all I can to make it difficult for the adults involved.

  2. I paid 137,000$ in child support, over the course of 17.5 years. I was just a foundry worker. So basically I paid half of my take home pay, for my 3 kids. I would not have been so angry, had my ex not have remarried, and then attended college, and gotten her 4 year degree, and then her masters degree, while we were married for 11 years, I was not allowed to attend college, due to her not being able to handle the stress of raising kids alone.

    Needless to say, that money would have been my IRA. The "friend of the court" set my child support at just over half of my takehome pay, and when I asked how I was supposed to find a place to live, they didn't not care. I asked where I could take my kids for my visitations, they didn't care.
    They say that the courts try and make things fair for all parties, but the truth is, it is still rigged for the woman.

  3. A husband must protect and provide for his wife and children. A man owes nothing to other women and their offspring, even if he may have been the one to sire them. This is the way of civilization.


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