Private Instruction

As a firearms instructor, it is not uncommon for someone to reach out to me and ask for private instruction and / or coaching. In the past, I have been glad to do this as schedules allow. Moving forward, however, I have decided to only do so under very specific circumstances. Rationale to follow. 

1. It will be small - group. 
Why? Simply put - the Billy Graham rule. Some also call this the Mike Pence principle (there may be a book of that title for sale). Not long ago, indirect allegations of impropriety were made, and I was happy there was a witness. Never without a witness. The small - group principle will enable me to hire an assistant for the time. 

2. It will be small - group, for a minimum and maximum number of hours. 
Why? Simply put, my time and effort is worth a minimum amount money. Why give all of the benefits of a class without making class-sized money? Many people are trying to do one of two things when avoiding a class: pay a certain amount, or stay away from a crowd. My classes are capped out at a specific (low) number of students for maximum effect. There is no reason to avoid them. 

3. This is the best way to maximize efforts when it comes to bringing supplies, etc. 


  1. Welcome to the real world. There are crazies out there, some on your side of the firing line. Any "joke" is a death threat. They will feel absolutely justified in destroying you, because reasons. It was someone just like you who made them a nonentity, and they plan to get even.

    Hope there wasn't too much damage from the encounter.

    1. Zero damage - thanks to the Pence Principle and ZFG.


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