Know Before Paying

On a social media post demonstrating the insanity of the statement captured in the above screenshot, the following comment was made:

I know of three guys in this situation.  All three thought they were raising their own. One guy was paying $1k a month in child support for 10 years until a medical emergency came up and he offered to give blood...once the Dr came back with "sir your blood won't work because....." did he realize what was up. He then took her to court to get his money back...$1k per month for 10 years....the judge told him "yes you were lied to yes this is wrong but it's just bad luck this happened to you and there is no way the state is going to ask the mother to pay you back..."
Let that sink in...over $100k she took from him and he can't do anything........

There is a lesson here - get a DNA test prior to paying a dime of child support. 


  1. Inacriminal case, don't say anything besides ID, until you have spoken to your lawyer. In a civil case, so not say, send or pay anything until you have spoken with a lawyer.

    I suspect that all the child support that he has paid will be taken as an admission that he knew and accepted the child of betrayal. No "do-overs". She may have offered an easy divorce if he paid, and Boy!, is he going to pay. Always consult your lawyer. Absolutely anything may be taken as evidence of "surrender", agreement, etc. The "simple" agreement may come with 37 pages of "argle-bargle" which a normal human can not understand.

    Demanding a DNA test (in this case) may anger the woman but proof of adultry would likely help the man's position in a divorce and avoid endless child support. Oh, for your own protection, change your will, as well as your pension and insurance beneficiaries. It isn't wise to be worth more dead than alive. Just sayin'.

    Lawyer! Always!


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