How Soon They Forget

Social media provides for much entertainment. If you take it seriously, then that is your problem. 

Some time back, an individual who had taken martial arts from me in the past, and who followed my Instagram account at the time in question, took offense to an anti-BLM meme that I had shared. Evidently, at some point between elementary school and middle school, she had become quite the raging liberal. Possibly in rebellion to her father, who is anything but. 

She made what she felt was a snarky comment, to which I replied "this is why social media is not for children, and further argument for increasing the voting age back to 21." This comment had the desired effect and she felt compelled to fire back. 

Among the worst insult she could think of: "I forgot all of the martial arts you taught me."

Side note: As a younger girl, she had one of the worst memories I had ever seen, not remembering basic moves and drills from one class to the next. Including and especially those drills we performed every class. She also had a huge mental block linking names to moves. For example: she NEVER figured out what was meant by the term "double-leg takedown." 

My retort: "I know. You forgot them all 15 minutes after you left class every night."

That one earned me the block. And I couldn't have been happier. And for those of you saying I should be nicer so as to win her over, I would propose another solution. Her father should have been a strong male leader and disallowed her access to the social media for which she was clearly not mature enough. 


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