ThE sCiEnCe

Let's talk about mask science - real and imaginary. For reference, this author has a degree in Chemistry and minor in Biology. Way more qualified than the average internet "expert," and way less qualified than a virologist. 

When this author was in college, the study of science included plenty of research papers. Several professors harped on getting the right kind of studies and data. Studies and data had to be pertinent, and the source had to be correct. When you see the phrase "a study suggests..." or similar, look at how the study was performed. Some studies are akin to polls - people are asked questions. Some studies are trials - scientific experiments are performed with controls in place. Each kind of study has its place. 

Up to now, the author has relied on a series of short rebuttals to the mask sheep, designed to offer a rhetorical argument than a dialectic argument. For the sake of brevity - a rhetorical argument is designed to argue emotionally, and a dialectic argument is designed to argue from a position of logic. And the reason why this author argues rhetorically is because the mask sheep are incapable of understanding the actual and real science behind why masks don't work. Or, more correctly, why masks don't make enough of a difference for someone to really want to wear. Here are the facts, the dialectic, from a big picture. Feel free to share this article with your mask-sheep friend. 

The Studies
This author has said countless times that there are virtually no studies performed prior to 2020 that indicate any more than about a 1% efficacy (effectiveness) in reduction of viral transmission due to wearing of masks. All of the studies performed since Jan 1, 2020 are poll-based (no experiments, no controls) and almost all are in a medical environment, and almost all are based around the N-95 mask. Here's where these studies come up short. 
  • Medical environments only - higher concentration of infected than the general population (hence, a greater chance of transmission). 
  • N-95 masks - even #LibNuts agree that the N-95 mask offers more protection than the bandanas and face-diapers that are prevalent. 
  • Polls. Most people don't recall what they had for supper two days ago. And there will also be a certain amount of confirmation-bias here, as well. (ie - "I didn't wear a mask that day, then I got sick, so it had to have been then!")

The Mechanism
Many will claim the mask is worn to protect others. This is partly false, and partly true. The mask does have a significant effect on keeping water droplets from escaping. This does decrease by over 30% the transmission of a virus via the water droplets. Congratulations! You have now gone from 1.3% chance of transmission to 0.9% chance of transmission! In the words of the great gun guy, Paul Harrell, that's not enough of a difference to make a difference

Also, even the bandanas and face-diapers stop a certain amount of water droplets from entering, so the same physical mechanism that prevents droplets from escaping one mask also prevents droplets from entering the next mask. So again, if you believe in masks so much, feel free to wear yours! 

So when this author claims "masks don't work," the reality is that the effectiveness of wearing a mask, if any, is minimal. Not enough of a difference to make a difference. And the science backs this up. And if you want to prove that statement wrong, this author is 100% welcoming of new information. Understand that, for the reason stated above, the study must include controls, not polls, in order to change this author's opinion. And go!


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