More Freedom

Lost in the Afghanistan news, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) announced on Tuesday, August 17 that vehicle emissions testing in five Tennessee counties will end on Jan. 14, 2022.  Link to post.

This is 100% welcome news. 

It does adversely affect my family, as my brother-in-law is a high ranking manager with the company contracted to perform the testing and he is scheduled to lose his job on January 14.

Nevertheless, more freedom is worth the sacrifices that will have to be made.  This is good news for over 1 million Tennesseans. 


  1. About three weeks ago, I went to get the emissions test done so I could register my vehicle in TN. I am not saying it is an outdated (bur remunerating) procedure, but since my truck did not have a traditional gas cap but the new gated traps, the tech could not figure out how to run the tests. Supervisor had to come out and bypass the whole thing. I am not even sure they bothered to do the rest of the test.
    They did charge me the $9


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