How I Know You Are Lying

Over the years, the author has heard some real whoppers when it comes to guns. It is amazing that these persist, even in the information age. Here are some notable ones. 

"The M16 was weak, so I would just kill the VietCong with my bare hands"
- A man who couldn't handle 10 minutes of slow paced jiu-jitsu training. 

"I shot a quarter-sized group at 500 yards with an iron-sights A2 and M855."
- A shooter who didn't know the mechanical limitations of the A2 barrel, or M855. But hey, if he did this, then he needs to get into benchrest-shooting immediately. 

"I shot a 1-inch group with my M16 and iron sights with M855."
- Police officer who clearly just didn't know better. 

"I wore out this hammer after 90,000 rounds. Used a Stainless Steel barrel, which held up the entire time."
- Same guy who shot a 1-inch group at 500 yards. Clearly didn't know ss barrel life is 5-15k rounds.

"I don't have the money to take a $500 gun class."
- Same guy who claims to have shot 90,000 rounds out of a stainless steel barrel, and all in a year. Even at best pricing in the past decade, that would have been $32K. 

There are others, and they will be updated in time. 


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