Took Ya Long Enough!

This is part 2 of a 2-part post.
Recently, I applied for a position with a company, and was made an offer. As part of the offer, they hired a 3rd party to perform a background check. Nothing out of the ordinary. If you want to read about "out of the ordinary" hiring practices, here is a good link. The company performing the background check called me a week later, and told me that the University I attended verified different dates than I had indicated. 

My actual dates at that institution were August 1993 to May 1998. That's what I had indicated. However, the company performing the background check was told August 1995 to May 1998. They now said it was my responsibility to prove my claim! My options were a diploma or transcripts. 

I never had received my diploma, and my transcripts were long since misplaced. A quick search online and I was able to purchase a copy of each. I sent the .pdf file of my transcripts to the employment verification company, and that was sufficient. I also ordered a copy of my diploma, since I had never received one. 

For all of those people now writing a comment furiously, it was par for the course for me to not receive something I should have during that time in my life. Plus, no employer had ever asked for my diploma. Looking back, my mom probably took it, based on yesterday's post. Life took over, and I never questioned it. 

Well, on December 10, 2020, I ordered a copy of my diploma. Paid for. The email confirmation said it would be shipped within 3-5 business days. In my mind, shipping might take 3-5 more business days. Again, life took over and I forgot about it. 

On February 2, 2021, I received a package in the mail. It was my diploma. It was postmarked January 29, 2021. So much for 3-5 business days to ship it off. It did, however, only take 3 business days to arrive once my university finally decided to send it. 


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