Video Review - The True Christian History of America

This will be a review of the documentary video, The True Christian History of America

A number of years ago, I was teaching a jiu-jitsu class. Two students had a conversation that eventually led to a discussion of the founding of America. One participant suggested that virtually all of the Founding Fathers were Christian. The other student said that most were not. Of course, they each gave their rationale, and eventually the conversation was steered (by me) back to the topics of martial arts. 

Naturally I researched the argument, as I had always been under the impression that the majority of the Founding Fathers were Christian. And certainly that is the case. A few were "Deists" - which the one student called "Agnostic." Certainly, the men of the day were familiar with deism, as well as most of them being Christian. Not entirely different than people today. 

For posterity and full disclosure, I received a free copy of the DVD from the writer and producer, Christian Pinto. Mr. Pinto was a (fully paid) participant in the American Rifleman class I taught this past July, 2020. I requested  and received permission to blog my review - without any prescreening of my opinions or comments by Mr. Pinto. He felt that my penchant for American History - particularly that of the US Revolutionary War - would make me a prime candidate to review the documentary. 

This video is shot documentary style. The production quality is outstanding and is easily on par with a documentary one might view on the History channel or similar. The narration is clear, and the images and accompanying video is pertinent to the discussion at hand. Indeed, I had to remind myself several times that I was watching a video, and not an actual channel. Particularly when it was time for a commercial break, and I needed to go to the restroom. 

This leads to my only criticism - and it is not a real criticism. A way to purchase the video directly online (digital copy) would be great. 

This video is long, and that is not a criticism. It is advertised to be 150 minutes long. I didn't put a stopwatch on it, but that is a reasonable approximation. Many people will not sit still that long for anything that doesn't have the word "Avengers" in it. However, it would honestly be impossible to adequately cover the material in less time. The documentary has chapters and one can make use of those if viewing will require multiple sessions. 

Just like proper marksmanship takes a bit of time, so does a thorough understanding of history. 

Without letting the proverbial "cat out of the bag," this film shows where the concepts of the Republic came from. Going back to the Magna Carta and even before that. Indeed, the documentary points out that freedom, and fighting tyranny, are Christian principles. I went to a Christian school, and most of the ties of liberty with Christianity were previously unbeknownst to me. Probably because few school systems like to teach of liberty... and fewer still like to teach of Christianity. 

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
- Jesus Christ, Matthew 10:34, KJV

Overall, I must give this documentary 4.9 stars out of 5. I like documentaries, and this is one of the better ones I've had the pleasure to view. It would be $24.95 well spent. 


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