
 For those living in a cave, the US Presidential election was held last night. 

Summary: I *think* Trump won. He was ahead in 5 key states where, in an unprecedented series of events, officials have stopped counting votes. Mostly, in those states, Trump was ahead by a margin that suggested it would take a miracle for Biden to win. That "miracle," I believe, may come in the form of Democrat shenanigans. 

It would have been better if Trump had secured the 320 electoral votes I thought he might. However, as I was once reminded by my friend, "Lefty," this nation does not value freedom. The majority vote for a living while myself and others in the minority work for a living. 

That it is/was this close, despite the overwhelming onslaught by the #FakeNews for the past 4 years, phony impeachment, lies, distortions, and censorship, is still telling. There is a glimmer of hope. And our propagandist "news" outlets and public education system will likely destroy what is left of the majority (if it even still exists) of freedom loving patriots, should we prevail. 

Scrolling through social media, I saw the following statement:
"We have to bring this Country back together, solidify our rights, and continue to fight the socialists."

The person who wrote this statement probably missed the duplicity in their statement, and for that, I do not fault them. "Bringing the country back together" and "fight the socialists" are mutually exclusive concepts. We cannot do both. We have too many people in this country that love their socialism: that is why we cannot be brought back together. 

Today, on the 2nd anniversary of my father's passing, I am saddened. Of course, I miss my dad, and I am sad for that. I also am sad for the loss of our once great Constitutional Republic. Whether the loss is solidified in the next few day or not, it will most certainly happen in four more years. And there will be no way to vote ourselves out of that. 


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