Nine Reasons Not To Date A Single Mom

Normally, just one reason should suffice, so pick from the nine reasons below why you should not date a single mom. This article inspired by an article online that tries to make the opposite points - why one should date a single mom. Of note, this author observes that among the thousands of single moms encountered, only one was a single mom due to husband's death (in the military - and he is thanked for  his service). The rest of the single moms encountered were so by their own design.

The nine points and this blog's counter-points:

1. Weak men can’t handle us or our kids
(Notice the shaming tactic and the psychological projection) The complaint is centered around a hypothetical toddler having an outburst and a man "unable to handle it." The reality so often is a 10-year-old having the same type of an outburst and the man she wishes to trap date is unwilling to tolerate it. 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They refuse to parent their children. 

2. We don’t need to be saved
This point has more shaming and psychological projection - and yes, that will be a running theme in this article. The single mom is jealous that a good man (who doesn't want them) can be man of the household and she cannot. 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They think they can be the dad. This means she does not know natural male and female roles, and that is a big disqualifying red flag. 

3. Games, Games, Games
This point has more shaming and psychological projection. These single moms get played easily by 
"players." Also, they are playing a game themselves (and it actually is with their kids) - they are trying to play the game of trapping the man in marriage or other financial obligation (child support). 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They have already made their mistake and many are trying to make the next guy pay for it.

4. We can’t be swept off our feet
More hate for players here. Because they fall for it and they know it. The point goes on to say that single moms want someone to "be real with them." And this is true - because so many single moms have ulterior motives. 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They know they are not worth much effort. 

5. Our kids will always come first
The first point that is not an outright lie. Well, except it is a lie. The children will come before the man she dates - and that is the honest part. But she will put herself ahead of the children - and that;s the part that makes the statement a lie. 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They want you to pay for everything and do everything, and all without anything worthwhile in return. 

6. We aren’t looking for a daddy
Except that is exactly what they want. The psychological projection here is that she herself doesn't want to have to be the mom (be responsible). 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They don't want to bring anything to the deal, and will expect and demand you do everything. 

7. Our tolerance for bullshit is extinct
This is only a slight rewording of the actual truth. They want quality men, but quality men have discernment and see through the single mom's BS, and leave because of it. The single mom's tolerance for men who cannot provide is extinct. And that is the only kind of man they can attract. 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They want you to tolerate everything. 

8. We don’t put out
Except, they do. And there is proof. They didn't become a mom via immaculate conception. If they really do not put out for you, then they are telling you up front they will never meet your sexual needs, and will still drain you of your resources. 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They will take it all and/or not give anything at all.

9. Last but not least. Our children are NOT baggage
Except, the children are baggage. Very few species have examples where surrogate fathers raise young that are not their own. 
Counter Point - Don't date single moms. They will never accept your role as leader. 


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