Don't Tread On My Thin Blue Line

Often, you will see someone display one of these two flags.  The Gadsden Flag ("don't tread on me") and the "Thin Blue Line" flag.  From time to time, you may see someone who displays both flags. 

That is just laughable - these two sentiments are diametrically opposed opposites. 

Don't tread on me, at its core, is a thought of individual freedom. The thin blue line is a thought of support of American Police.  There is nothing more the antithesis of personal freedom than the police. 

Folks who fly don't tread on me flags often mean that they are gun owners and they will not relinquish their firearms to government overreach.  Whom do they think will be performing the overreaching actions? Politicians will not be trying to pick up the guns - they will send the police. 

Although police are not outright seizing firearms at this time, it doesn't mean they aren't infringing rights.  Think about it - how often does a citizen come out ahead of an interaction with a police officer? At best, one can come out even.  Usually, one does not come out even. 

Indeed, usually a citizen comes away from a police encounter lighter in the wallet, or in handcuffs.  Doesn't sound like freedom to me. 

So, stop flying these things together.  They are opposites, you nitwit!


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