Good Instructors

One more entry on this topic.

Shooting Illustrated recently published an article to the exact same effect. Some of the interesting tidbits from that article:

- In addition to differences in personality and physical attributes, there is the difference in mission objective between the cop, the Soldier and the civilian. The police officer’s duty is to conduct investigations and enforce the law. Though, technically they may not have a duty to intercede, in practice they almost always do, keeping the peace, diffusing dangerous situations and arresting serious criminals even when that requires those criminals first be physically subdued.

Combat soldiers have an even more demanding mission: locate and engage the enemy, and kill, drive or take as prisoners as many as possible.

Both are in complete contrast to the “duty” of the armed citizen. While he or she may defend his or herself or intercede on behalf of the innocent if a crime is being committed in their presence, they can’t go out seeking “evil doers” to vanquish. They’re not Batman. Their job is avoidance and survival.

- The cop and the Soldier will also have a raft of legal protections when it’s all over. The armed citizen, though, will have to defend every decision they made and action they performed or deal with the liability.

- Having a wealth of knowledge about a subject isn’t enough. You have to possess the ability to effectively convey that knowledge to your audience.

These are almost the exact same points I made - just slightly different wording. I would suggest you read the whole article. 


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