Dangerous Liberty

Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN, has decided to stay open and conduct church services during the pandemic. Here are some pictures from last Sunday's service. The hate and vitriol online has been more than usual, unfortunately.

Of the comments spewing the hate, the ones that are most ironic come in a few flavors. A number of people encourage Pastor Locke to do services online. A number of others say he should "obey the law of the land" - and they often quote scriptures to that effect. And a number of others say everyone should just stay home - and many of these suggest it is a crime to meet. Let's break these down.

Online Service.
The folks that say he should move his services online have absolutely no clue. Global Vision Bible Church has a YUGE online following every week. Thousands of people, from all over the globe, tune in to Facebook at every single service. Clearly, the people that suggest Pastor Locke move the services to online are clueless.

Obey The Law.
The people who say that GVBC should just obey the law are overlooking one small detail:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment 1
US Constitution
Emphasis mine. 

This from the Supreme Law of the Land. The Constitution does not allow for exceptions to our God-given rights during "times of crisis." When the founders wrote this, they may well have intentionally left out exceptions because they knew tyrants would always play the "exception card."

Just Stay Home
This is the funniest group. They want YOU to stay home, so that THEY can continue to do whatever they want. Those who suggest that going out is a crime need to see the 1st Amendment.

To me, all of this craziness stems from fear. This virus is not any more deadly than the latest flu strains. It is not more widespread. It is not more infectious. It is being put on a pedestal by #FakeNews . To all of that fear, I say:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7

As For Me and My House
I prefer dangerous liberty over peaceful slavery. 


  1. Just like the judge in Kommiecticut who ruled in court that the post Sandy Hook gun control passed in 2013 violated the Second Amendment, but that was OK in the interest of "public safety."

    You know....if it saves just one life.


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