Shooting Fakes

One of the things I still enjoy blogging about is when people say or do crazy things.  One of the craziest things is to lie to me. One of the topics I'll figure out your lie quickly on is shooting. 

This individual told me he got certificates from Appleseed for scoring "Rifleman." I showed him my patches and the respective targets - almost 10 years apart in the making.  I've never heard of them giving out certificates for Rifleman scores. 

He also told me the target pictured above was him sighting in with 5 rounds, then rapid-fire kneeling with his AR15 from 100 yards.  In fact, it is a target shot from much closer (hence the ancillary tears in the paper around the holes), and it is between 10-20 rounds.  If I was forced to wager, I'd say there are 14 rounds shown on that paper - give or take a shot. 

Here's an old target I shot from 50 yards with precision ammo from prone.  This was 20 rounds.  You'll notice that the individual holes are a bit cleaner. This was also shot from a rested position, hence the accuracy. 

#ShootingFakes are fake. 


  1. Appleseed has given paper 'certificates' but that was to those certain members of a Boy Scout troop. I think that may be in association with a Merit Badge but of that I am not sure as it's been a long time since my affiliation with the Scouts.
    Otherwise, I have not seen, nor heard, nor read of any certificates handed out.

    1. Interesting. Google did not yield me any such results. But your verbage indicates that there may have been only one - and that one may well have not been published. And the likelihood of this individual in question being in *that* scout troop is slim to none.


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