Presentation of the Rifle

Once you get your rifle zeroed, one of the best things you can do is work on your marksmanship. Being able to hit targets at distance - 100, 200, and even 300 yards is certainly attainable for any rifleman who has just a little bit of self-discipline.

Once your marksmanship is in order, the next thing you need to work on is what is called presentation. Presentation is the act of bringing the rifle to bear in a situation where there is an immediate threat. This can also be called an "up drill," or a "ready-up" drill.

Many instructors teach this from a "low ready," or "challenge" position. Although you are less likely to use the rifle in this manner, it is a great place to start. I'm more likely use would be from a "patrol ready" or muzzle down position.

These soldiers are patrolling with their muzzles down. Hence, it is sometimes called the "patrol ready" position. The rifle is slung, but not put away. Muzzles are pointed in a safe direction - down.

Naturally, presentation will take a little longer then it would form a low ready position. That's fine, because this is the most likely way you will deploy your rifle.

For training, start this drill at 7 yards. Work your way back to 25 and then 50 yards, eventually.
Also, incorporate turns.
Also, incorporate moving into other positions - kneeling and prone. 


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