Out of Touch

I have been debating whether to write a post on some silly things that Baby Boomers say. To be certain, I have received "advice" from Baby Boomers over the years that was exact opposite of what the truth was. Seeing this meme prompted me to go ahead and write down some memories.

Boomer advice - "stay with this company (to earn more)."
I was fresh out of college. I had taken my first job. It wasn't minimum wage, but it wasn't much more, either. Being a young man, and hearkening unto the wisdom of the Bible, I asked an elder for advice. This Boomer suggested that I stay with that company as long as I could, and that one day I "might be able to make enough to get by."

When I took a job just six weeks later, making nearly double, the Boomer looked very disappointed I have not stayed with the company. Of course these days I make almost triple what a manager with that company makes - which is commensurate with the experience, had I been there the whole 20 years.

Boomer advice - "hand-deliver resumes..."
Just like in the meme above, I was told to hand-deliver resumes in order to find employment. To be sure, the two jobs I just mentioned above I by hand delivering a resume, and filling out an application while I was there.

Every other job I've ever had required electronic application.

How about you? Any funny ones?


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