On Fights

What Percent Of Fights End Up On The Ground [2019 Research]

This is a very interesting article.  Using videos of street fights, the author of the article calculated how many fights go to the ground.  It's not the 90%+ we have been told for years.  Roughly 30% of fights end up on the ground. 

This is not to say grappling and takedowns are useless - far from it.  Read the article and you'll find that when takedowns are employed, the takedown resulted in a major advantage 96% of the time.  However, more people fell down than initiated a takedown. This is probably due to the fact that there are just not many skilled grapplers as a percentage of the general population.

Most notable point of the article -

Most fights start with someone who’s unprepared getting punched in the face… even though there‘s lots of indicators it’s about to happen

The aggressor then gains the initiative with a flurry of punches… and often wins within seconds

Most losses were a result of not having a basic boxing protective stance or guard… and getting hit in the face by an unskilled opponent

Learn how to strike and defend strikes - no matter your martial art.  Learn how to read body language. 


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