Coming At You

This Blog has gone on record before advocating for the use of the traditional Woodland camouflage pattern for the Southeastern United States. That said, a humorous conversation between The Rifleman and an acquaintance fits in right here. The acquaintance was not a fan of the Woodland pattern.

"You can see that black coming at you," he asserted.

Folks, the amount of black in the Woodland pattern is not enough to catch the eye. In fact, it works more to act as a shadow area on the camouflage. Needless to say, after his statement, I gave him a quizzical look. He elaborated -

"Yeah, when they are on the move, that black really stands out."

Folks, if you are moving, it doesn't matter what camouflage pattern you use, the movement is what makes you visible. Not the colors.

That, and the fact that common sense just isn't so common anymore.


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