Trump & 2A

A few days ago, President Trump was asked about silencers (more correctly, suppressors). Trump indicated he doesn't like them and wants them banned. 

For all of the good Trump has done, he is not naturally a friend of the 2nd Amendment. He needs to take some cues from Donald Trump Jr.  on this.

However,  the main issue here is not Trump and his position on firearms. The issue is the BATFE. No one department should wield such power and authority. With the stroke of the pen, the ATF makes and dissolves laws - up to an including infringement of rights.  

Without the overreach of the ATF, no president's opinion would be of any concern.  


  1. We need to remember that DJT is NOT a 'gun guy' - after all he is a big city NY state product. I believe that he is getting very bad advice regarding all things firearm related - he needs to get some advisors =besides Don Jr (who isn't really a gun guy either) who will give him good advice and edumacate him on both guns and firearms laws Without such sage advice he will most likely NOT make good decisions.

  2. Makes one wonder why an agency that is charged with enforcing the law, is also able to create the laws. Would we allow the police to write laws?


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