Is It Corrupt?

From Twitter -

Rifleman: "Ladies and gentlemen, all police departments have quotas.  None of them like calling it a 'quota'."

Reply: "Not all. Corrupt ones yes."

Rifleman: "Show me one that doesn't."

Reply: "The 2 I worked for and many others."

Rifleman: "Tweeted too early...
Show me one that doesn't and I'll show you one that hasn't been caught yet."

Reply: "Well chit. I should have collected my Grandfather click and Rolex when I retired. #WhoKnew 😂 "

Rifleman: "I'm in the same boat - I also used to work for a company that gave me a quota without any extra compensation.  Left for greener pastures years ago."

Some takeaways -
1. The entire exchange proves that they dislike the use of the word "quota."

2. The reply was a false dilemma logical fallacy. Every police department has expectations for every one of its employees. In the tradition of the  no true scotsman, the replier's logical fallacy would imply that some (most) police departments do not have job expectations for their officers. 

3. The final reply is an example of a circular reasoning logical fallacy. " I didn't receive any money from the tickets I wrote, therefore I was not corrupt." One does not have to be the final recipient of stolen goods in order to be guilty of theft.


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