Climate Hoax

Man made "Climate Change" is a hoax... #FakeNews if you will. 

Glacier National Park Quietly Removes Its “Gone By 2020” Signs.

Why were the signs removed?
From the article -
In recent years the National Park Service prominently featured brochures, signs and films which boldly proclaimed that all glaciers at GNP were melting away rapidly. 

But now officials at GNP seem to be scrambling to hide or replace their previous hysterical claims while avoiding any notice to the public that the claims were inaccurate. Teams from Lysander Spooner University visiting the Park each September have noted that GNP’s most famous glaciers such as the Grinnell Glacier and the Jackson Glacier appear to have been growing – not shrinking – since about 2010. (The Jackson Glacier—easily seen from the Going-To-The-Sun Highway—may have grown as much as 25% or more over the past decade.)

Key part -

You won't see or hear of a retraction.  


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