Job Approval

From Twitter:

Trump Job Approval Jumps to 53% - Seven Points Higher Than Obama
- @HeyTammyBruce

Lefty shared this, and that's how it came to my attention.  From Lefty:
This is remarkable when you consider that Obama was propped by #fakenews while Trump is besieged by it.

True statement, and it cannot be overlooked in the least.  Let's analyze the raw data even more, though. 

Sampling done by Rasmussen - which is solid D+7 to D+10. For this example, we will give "best-case" for Obama and worst-case for Trump.  

Therefore, Obama job approval was 46 - 7 = 39%

Trump's real approval is 53 + 7 = 60% 

At a minimum, the reality is Trump's job approval is 21 points higher than Obama's at the same time, adjusted for correct polling.  And possibly as much as 27 points higher.  Despite the fact that #FakeNews was all-in for Obunghole and is constantly attacking Trump.

Nope... I'm not tired of winning, yet.  


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