Time to Ridicule

It used to be that two people with differing views could sit down and discuss those views in a rational manner. Not any more.

The Left has been taught to feel instead of think, and to conflate those terms.
The Left has been conditioned to redefine words as meaning something other than that word's universal meaning.
The Left accepts as reality so many things that just aren't so.

What other group of people operate on emotion, don't know the proper meaning of common words, and engages in make-believe?
Small children, that's who.

A grown adult would never try to rationalize with a small child.
A grown adult would never take seriously a small child's misinterpretation of a word or words.
A grown adult would never give credence to make-believe parameters of a child when something serious is on the line.

That's our problem today. There are a number of folks on the Right who wish to use logic to convince the Left. If they were open to logic, they would never have adopted Leftist principles in the first place.

Use the tools that work with small children:
- Amused mastery.
- Rhetoric instead of logic.
- Ridicule.

The first (amused mastery) is your frame.
The rhetoric and ridicule are your tools when  engaging a Leftist.

No, it's not mean to utilize ridicule against a grown adult. They've abandoned all pretense of logic. Ridicule is the only thing that flies in the face of make-believe as fact. Rationalization to the contrary will be met with the same response as asking a pigeon to play chess.


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