Muh Aborshunz II

From social media, there was a post on how to help a woman who might be thinking about abortion. This snarky reply by a Pro-Death (was that Pro-Choice?) #Libtard and the Rifleman's comments to each:

These platitudes are nice but in all of these suggestions,  there is not one thing that mentions things that prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place; they are all reactionary.

How about sharing things that are statistically proven to work!!

Here are a few to get started:
-Free condoms
Why must they be "free?" Someone has to pay for them... and they aren't that expensive.

-Access to free birth control. (RX no longer needed in Tennessee! Just go to a pharmacist!!)
Again - why must it be "free?"

-Access to the morning after pill OTC.
We already have that. 

-Comprehensive sex education (abstinence only programs are proven to not work)
We already have that.  And abstinence-only most certainly does work!

-Free state childcare (costs of $200/week are not practical for most)
I'm beginning to think you do not comprehend the meaning of the word "free."

Love does not stop ovulation. Love does not induce a period.
Love does not stop teenagers who don't have education. 
And here is the tell... this #NastyWoman has never known love.  Alpha-widow, at best. 


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